
Polyester Polyols

Product name
Polyester Polyols
Trade Name
CAS Number
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Supplier Country : Türkiye
Shipping Countries : All Countries
Short Description

High Performance Solutions

Polyester polyols are produced through the condensation reaction of dicarboxylic acids and glycols. Different combinations of monomers and molecular weight selections enable polyester polyols to impart superior mechanical properties to the polyurethane systems in which they are used.

Kimpur is specialized in polyester polyol production with extensive manufacturing capacity. For various applications such as footwear, rigid, flexible foam, and C.A.S.E., Kimpur manufactures multifunctional polyester polyols under the brand name KIMpol®, composed of combinations of carboxylic acids, polyhydric alcohols, phthalic anhydride, and other chemicals with distinct functionalities.

Kimpur can tailor-make polyester polyols according to the specific features requested by customers.