
Ethyl Acetate - CH3COOCH2CH3

Product name
Ethyl Acetate - CH3COOCH2CH3
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Supplier Country : Türkiye
Shipping Countries : All Countries
Short Description

Appearance : Colorless, liquid compound

Chemical Name : Ethyl acetate

Chemical Formula: CH3COOCH2CH3

Packaging Type: 190 kg Barrels, İbcs, Bulk

Definition and Usage Areas:

Ethyl acetate is a compound formed as a result of the acetate hydroxyl group being replaced by ethoxy. Its simplified structural formula is: CH3COOCH2CH3. Pure ethyl acetate is a colorless transparent liquid with an aromatic odor. It has a strong ether-like scent as well as a clear fruity wine flavor that is easy to diffuse but not persistent. Slightly soluble in water, soluble in most organic solvents such as alcohol, ketone, ether and chloroform. Ethyl acetate, excellent solubility, quick-drying property, is a very important organic chemical raw material and excellent industrial solvent, widely used in the production of cellulose acetate, ethyl-based fiber, chlorinated rubber, vinyl resins, cellulose acetate resins, synthetic rubber and paints.

Its main functions include its use as an industrial solvent applied to paint, adhesive, ethyl cellulose, leather, linoleum colorant, synthetic fibers; use as a binder to be applied to printing inks, artificial pearl production; extractant used in medicine and in the manufacture of organic acids; a spice raw material pineapple, banana and strawberry and whiskey is used as the main raw material for the flavors of butter. There is always talk of the good taste of old wine. This is for wine containing fruit flavored ethyl acetate. Wine contains a small amount of acetic acid, which can react with ethanol to form ethyl acetate. Because this is a reversible reaction, it takes a long time for ethyl acetate to accumulate, leading to the aroma flavor of stale wine.
In some developed countries, it is used as a non-toxic, pollution-free solvent, which gradually replaces benzene solvent and methyl ethyl ketone solvent, which can cause great harm to humans and the environment. Currently, ethyl acetate production ways can be divided into esterification, acetaldehyde condensation, ethylene addition and ethanol hydrogenation. The ethanol dehydrogenation method adopted at the company was a new technology developed in the late 1990s that could produce ethyl acetate through one step dehydrogenation of ethanol while producing hydrogen gas by-product. Using this method, it can produce high purity ethyl acetate with low amount of water and various heavy metals.

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