
Boric Acid- H3BO3

Product name
Boric Acid- H3BO3
Trade Name
CAS Number
Reach Number
Supplier Country : Türkiye
Shipping Countries : All Countries
Short Description

Appearance : Crystal, Powder White Color

Chemical Name: Boric Acid

Chemical Formula: H3BO3

Packaging Type: In 25 Kg Bags

Definition and Uses: Boric acid, also borasis acid, orthoboric acid or acidium borium; A white crystalline, water-soluble inorganic acid often used in antiseptics, pesticides, and deodorizers. It was first discovered by Wilhelm Homberg and emerged as a byproduct of sulfuric acid.

Production of boric acid from colemanite

Boric acid is produced from colemanite in Turkey. It is produced by Etibank. The manufacturing process basically consists of the reaction of colemanite with sulfuric acid. As shown below, gypsum and boric acid are formed as a result of the reaction. Gypsum formed during production causes environmental pollution.

Ca2B6O11.5H2O + 2H2SO4 + 6H2O → 2CaSO4. 2H2O + 6H3BO3

In production, first of all, colemanite is ground in mills with a size of <0.2 mm. Ground colemanite is taken into solution by reacting with sulfuric acid. This reaction takes place at 80-100 oC.


After colemanite is taken into solution with acid, gypsum mud is formed due to chemical reaction. In order to remove this gypsum from the environment, it is necessary to filter the solution with pressure filters. For this purpose, two-stage filtration is performed. In the first stage, the entire solution is soaked for 15-20 minutes. filtered throughout. The filtrate, which has passed the first stage, is filtered in another pressure filter for about 3 hours in the second stage. The gypsum mud obtained as a result of these stages is sent to the residual pool.


The colemanite solution obtained after filtration is fed to the crystallizer at a constant flow rate. The solution coming to the crystallizer is sprayed with special sprays and spread to the crystallizer. In this way, the size of the formed crystals is increased and the process continues more efficiently. The factors affecting the crystal size are:

Density of the fed solution

solids in solution

Feed rate

Centrifuge After the solution enters the crystallizer at 80-90 oC, it leaves at 40-45 oC and is fed to the centrifuge. In the centrifuge, the solution is separated from the crystals.


The crystals coming out of the centrifuge are slightly moist. The product cannot be offered for sale while it is damp in this way. For this purpose, it needs to be dried with fluid bed dryers. In such dryers, after the air taken from outside is heated up to a certain temperature, it is supplied from the bottom to the material laid inside the dryer.

The product coming out of the dryer is sold in bags.

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