
Amon DAP(18-46) Diammonium Phosphate

Product name
Amon DAP(18-46) Diammonium Phosphate
Trade Name
Amon DAP
CAS Number
Reach Number
Dark Green
Supplier Country : Türkiye
Shipping Countries : All Countries
Short Description

It is a composite fertilizer containing plant nutrients such as phosphorus and nitrogen. The first digit in its structure expresses the nitrogen (N) and the second digit phosphorus (P) amount in %. 100 kg of DAP fertilizer contains 18 kg of pure nitrogen and 46 kg of phosphorus; Thus, there is 2.5 kg of phosphorus for every 1 kg of nitrogen in its content. For this reason, it is mostly preferred as phosphorus fertilizer. It is black, brown, gray and off-white in color, in the form of granules. In cereals, it should be given at the time of sowing; It is given to meet the phosphorus requirement of the plant. The nitrogen in its composition also meets the nitrogen requirement of the plant. If this nitrogen does not meet the need, the missing part should be obtained from nitrogen fertilizers. Since most of the phosphate in its content (90%) is water soluble, after it is thrown into the soil, if it finds the necessary humidity, the phosphorus and nitrogen in its composition are ready for use immediately. The phosphorus in it dissolves faster than other phosphorus fertilizers. Its effect lasts for several years. If enough DAP fertilizer is not given, the roots will be weak, the development will be insufficient, the maturation will be delayed, the plant will be stunted, the leaves will turn purple or dark green, the yield will decrease.

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